Friday, January 20, 2012

Thursday Night Fly-tying @ Headhunter's

Last night was the weekly fly-tying event/forum at Headhunter's Fly Shop in Craig, MT. It's a chance to hang with the boys and check out what other folks are working on for the up-coming season. I've been working on a crayfish pattern that is relatively easy, (fewer steps,) that will stay together for more than a fish or two. The problem with tying new patterns in the winter is that you could come up with the coolest looking pattern on the planet but if the fish don't eat it, you've wasted all that time and material for nothing. The safe bet; tie a shit-ton of worms, scuds, pheasant tails, sow bugs, caddis pupas, zebra midges and lightening bugs and you'll catch fish. As for dries; elk hair caddis, Parachute Adams, Griffith Gnats, and buzz balls and just buy the rest. It's not worth the time and you'll never waste hours and hours tying stuff that doesn't work. Oh yah, I didn't mention streamers; cone head buggers in every color you can think of. I, on the other hand, become incredibly bored tying the same stuff over and over again so I try to be a little creative and take my chances.

My P90-TREX update:

I've been doing pretty well with the work-outs even with the weather. I did take one break the other day because I spent a little too much time in Craig the night before and for some reason, shots of McGillicutty's sounded good. Yesterday I stayed in-doors and did my version of yoga/palates. Holy crap! I'm really sore today.

Keep 'em where they live.

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