Sunday, May 18, 2014

Caddis, Caddis, Caddis

So far, the dry fly fishing has been pretty tough. Although we have gotten a few on March browns, BWO's, and even ants, it seems as though we've cruised right through the early mayfly season in a lackluster fashion and on to the CADDIS!! That's not such a bad thing since these guys will eat caddis even when the sun is out.

This is Jill's first ever, Missouri River trout on a dry--not a bad we to start.

As for a quick tip of the week, it's all about the drift. You can see how flat that water is where this guy came from. It has to be on their nose, absolutely no drag, you can't line them AT ALL and they will eat. And this time of the year, they ain't that pick so you can change up flies all you want but at some point, look at cleaning up your presentation and I'm sure you'll get 'em.

Keep 'em where they live...

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