Yeah, I know. I've been slackin a bit but it's for good reason. I've been busy fishing with some amazing folks like Mike (Coach) and Julie Ayers of South Carolina. Check out this video of Coach on a small creek in Central Montana. You can also see Julie here with a beautiful Missouri River bow. She was so impressed with it, she was actually taking a photo of the fish while she was being photo'd. This might be my favorite pic of the season.

Along with the fishing, Scott Hirschi and I have also been very diligent on producing The Montana Dream Cast. You can hear the latest by clicking the link:
Jill's Editorial Corrections
As you might remember, (maybe I didn't mention it on the blog) we had a substantial earth quake out here a couple weeks ago. It measured 5.8 on the Richter Scale, which is pretty big. We did talk about it on the podcast and of course, I may have said something that didn't sit well with Jill so we gave her a chance to correct the record and defend herself. She did well so check it out.
As for the earth quake, it was pretty crazy. Twelve-thirty at night, I thought one of the dogs was having a night-terror. When they have them, they kick the bed and it kind of freaks you out. Only this time, the jolting was accompanied by what sounded like a train coming right through our front door. It felt like the entire house was on rollers and we were about to topple over. It didn't last that long but there were a number of aftershocks throughout the night that kept us from getting any sleep.
As for damage, I think the only one reporting anything was the Walmart. Lots of condiments hit the floor...
One last thing; we are doing hopper dropper specials for the entire month of August. Book a half-day at an incredibly low price and experience some big 'ole hopper eats from fatty browns. Get on early and off before the heat and the tubers catch up with ya. Go to: to learn more.
Keep 'em where they live...
P.S. I tried really hard to get Dan Plummer to make a showing on the blog but he couldn't pull through. He must have had some blockage...
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