Thursday, September 7, 2017

Hunting in the Heat

There is something seriously wrong with bow hunting in shorts out here in Montana. We should have had a couple inches of snow in the high country by now or at least some kind of dusting but that's not going to happen anytime soon. Yesterday was approaching 90 degrees; even at 7,000 feet and the animals wanted nothing to do with it. I should have gone golfing.

If you're looking for elk in these conditions, you'll have to find water and food. I had a pretty good idea that I'd be fighting the uphill battle, trying to find them in the mountains right now but I really just wanted to check out the conditions. I did find water, which is obviously a good thing but there isn't a whole lot of food. The grass never really got growing so it's mostly sage and sparse blades in the parks. It's not good. What is there, is crunchy and probably not all that desirable to the animals. I didn't even see a mule deer. The only grazers I did see were cattle and they were pretty much dominating the creek bottoms and had already eaten up anything green. About the only positive is that there are no other hunters...

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Keep 'em where the live...

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