Saturday, June 23, 2018

So you had a bad day...Correction

A couple weeks ago, I wrote a post about this boating incident on the Missouri. I was writing it from second hand information and should have talked to the witnesses before posting. I do apologize so let me make some corrections.

As pointed out by "anonymous," there wasn't a father and son but three middle-aged friends although as one of the friends did point out, the guy rowing was very inexperienced and wanted to get some experience on the sticks. The owner of the boat told one of our clients that he shouldn't have let his this person row in these conditions. How it was relayed to me initially, sounded as though the person rowing was younger and possibly a family member. Again, I apologize because that was not the case.

I'm not sure what other elements of this were inaccurate, as stated by the anonymous replier but I did do some checking and it appears that the boat isn't worth $12,000. It's more like $9,000 new. The point is, there is a significant loss here and it just shows how fast things can go south on moving water--especially in these conditions. And the bottom line is, it could have been worse. I am glad these guys didn't pay the ultimate price as I stated in the original post. That has happened in recent years to friends of the fishing community in much more favorable conditions and I'll say it again, complacency can often be your worst enemy on the water.

Keep 'em where they live...

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