Saturday, February 11, 2012

Winter Streamers

Snow storm yesterday and today is only suppose to get into the low thirties. It's a good day to take a nice long hike and then relax to some fly tying. I'm still trying to get into the mode of mass producing the basics but until then, I'll tie some of my favorite streamers and the infamous steel worm.

Thursday was perfect winter fishing weather with highs in the mid forties so Ben McNich and I did a short float from Craig down. We saw a few fish up on midges but spent all of our time chucking buggers. I'd like to say we figured out some specific patterns to fish and normally slow retrievals in soft deep water is the trick this time of year but the reality is, we caught some in slow stuff and in some intermediate water along the banks. I was stripping short strokes letting it crawl along the bottom and Nich was a little longer and steadier and we both landed a fair number of rainbows with some decent browns mixed in. It wasn't gang busters on that day but it was good enough--definitely worth the effort. As soon as Nich learns how to email pictures I'll share some with you.

Keep 'em where they live.