Friday, April 24, 2015

Pigs In Mud

That's some serious biomass...dead midges, beatis spinners, and just a lot of food for hungry trout. To some, it looks a little gross. For fishing dudes; it's kind of like Old Country Buffet for trout.

Usually, late April we're fishing inside out off of shelves and kind of deep because fish are hanging out in the slow deep water; not wanting to move much because the water is still so cold. Well, this April is different. With the water temps in the mid-40's and an absolutely insane amount of bugs, the scum-lines are filthy with dead stuff and these fish are happier than pigs in might say they are pigs in mud.

I took Geoff Wyatt out yesterday for a complimentary trip for working on my logo. We started out fishing the buckets and the soft stuff and got a few but I thought we would be doing better. The sun was out and I kind of figured that maybe fish were being a little stubborn until we hit the first big scum-line and decided to fish it like we normally would in June or July. RE-DIC-U-LOUS.

I got some more great photos to use for presentations next winter and even got some video of Geoff hooking up on a couple of those pigs. A very good day and the fact that traffic right now is light, even better. I'm not sure what this early spring is going to do for June and July when things really get cranking but I'd suggest getting out here while the getting is good if you can swing it. Guys are eager to work and fish are aiming to please.

Keep 'em where they live...

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