Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Montana Snow Report Feb. 17, 2016

It's always about this time when we start looking at snowpack and try to predict what the upcoming season is going to be like. February can be a weird month for snow and weather because we always seem to get a warm spell that melts everything in the valleys but you really don't know what's up in the high-country. This last week we've seen temps in the 50's here in Helena and the snow is gone. In fact, I just got an email from Bill Robert's Golf Course and they're opening their back nine greens tomorrow! (We should be fishing but with the warm temp came the wind. I'd rather fish in a calm snow-storm than 50 mph winds.)

Look at the map SNOTEL though, for a good indication of where we are now and you'll see we're doing all right. What will really determine what kind of run-off we get comes down to what happens more in April and May. We will get more snow. That's almost a guarantee. But how fast will it melt and how much precipitation will come in late Spring? It's really too early to tell. Just get out and enjoy the warmth while you can. The wind is down, the midges are up and I'll be chasing trout soon.

Keep 'em where they live...

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