Monday, September 25, 2017

How The Power Bugle Ruined Archery Hunting

How The Power Bugle Ruined Archery Hunting

Yeah, I said I--on last week's "The Montana Dream Cast." Click the link and check it out.

Here's the deal: I was hunting the other day in my little honey hole and after hiking for a couple miles in the dark, I positioned myself to start glassing and checking out the parks where I had shot multiple elk before and these guys started blowing the Power Bugle--my hunt was pretty much done.

The problem is, is that this call, as well as many other calls, have allowed dudes from all over to think they might have what it takes to call in an elk, just by blowing into a tube. They don't do their research. They don't consider the time of the rut they are hunting, and they can't call for shit. And as a result, the elk stop talking. And the funny part is these same dudes blame the wolves for the elk not talking. Really? How long have elk and wolves inhabited the same regions? Hundreds of thousands of year? And how long have elk been bugling during the rut? Hundreds of thousands of years? And how long have inexperienced hunters been flooding the mountains making horrendous noises with this Power Bugle? A couple decades? So where's the problem when in the past years, the elk just won't talk?

Keep 'em where they live...

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