Thursday, November 7, 2019

Three Weeks In

You want to know how old this house is? Square nails. They stopped using square nails for framing somewhere around the 1890's so she's probably older than that. Cadastre says 1900 but I think that's all the further they go back so anything older than that would just say 1900. The other thing I found out is that this house was probably owned by a railroad worker. And here's the deal, the closer one was to the tracks, the older the house and I believe, the lower on the totem pole. This house is about three block from the station.

So three weeks into the project and I feel blessed for how things and people come together. I hired a plumber who has done some work for me in the past. I'm not sure he wants me to put his name out there so I'll just call him Dan. He needed part of the house framed and the floors leveled before he could set some of the plumbing. He obviously saw I was in over my head so he suggested he could help.

This dude is AMAZING although I did build the saw horse by myself in less than ten minutes... In all seriousness though, I don't know what I would have done without this guy. He went to work. I helped by basically running for things and cutting boards for him but in two days, the floors were done and the bathroom is framed and the tub is set. Crazy.

The next step is to get the electrician in and fix some of these wires. Then I can sheet the bathroom, tile the shower and finish the floors to drop in the toilet and I'll have my very own place to do my business.

I owe Dan big-time. The beauty is, he's a fly-fishing dude and he's trying to get his girlfriend out to learn a few things so we're going to trade service. Not a bad deal.

Keep 'em where they live...