Monday, December 28, 2020

The Montana Dream Cast Studio

I took a few weeks off from writing and hunting to work on the Fort so here's an update and a plan for the future. The reality is, I've missed doing the podcast because it was fun and we were getting some really good feedback. Unfortunately, life threw a series of curveballs at me to which Covid was only a tiny bit of. Moving 3 times in 13 months and then taking on a hoarder's house and turning it into a place that not only I can live, but thrive certainly was a challenge. It's not done yet but this last project to shore up the living room/studio has put me in a place where I can now begin producing more episodes of The Montana Dream Cast. That, along with reconnecting with co-host Scott Hirschi, will set us up for an amazing 2021. 

In the next couple weeks, we will record the first episode of renewed podcast. You can search for it on any of your favorite hosting sites by searching The Montana Dream Cast. You can also follow us on the Montana Dream Facebook page or at:

And by the way, if you haven't been following the transition of the Fort, you can check out all the videos of the progress on The Montana Dream YouTube page:

For all of you that have been following and supporting the efforts, thank you and I look forward to bringing you along on future endeavors focusing on fishing and hunting, beer tasting, music and just about anything else we do out here in Montana. For those of you just getting acquainted with TMDC, I look forward to getting to know you and sharing the journey!

Keep 'em where they live...

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