Thursday, April 12, 2012

P90-TREX Day 90!

I got a call a couple nights ago from Joe Bloomquist. He's an outfitter I work for a lot. He was asking if I was busy the next day and of course I thought he was going to ask if I wanted to work so I said no. "Do you want to help brand calves?"

I already said I wasn't busy and I've been looking for the opportunity to meet and get in with some of the bigger ranches around here so I said I would. So yesterday, day 89 in my P90-TREX training, I wrestled steers on the Wirth Ranch.

When I was 16 I helped a buddy castrate about a dozen bull calves in Minnesota. That was a long time ago and now at 41, I'll be honest; there was definitely some apprehension. We had about 120 calves to catch and tackle and hold down while they branded and vaccinated them. Some of them were pretty big and as I found out, the ones at the end were smarter and tougher and kind of kicked my ass.

At first I was just trying to stay out of the way but eventually, I had to jump in and make some kind of a showing. I thought I was getting the system pretty well but then this big bull calf kept getting his feet underneath himself. It didn't look pretty and it took some help from one of the ranchers but eventually, that calf was mine. When I looked up, hat half cocked and shades hanging crooked on my face, I realized how ridiculous I must have looked as the women doing the shots and Phil Wirth were all doubled over laughing their asses off.

They were all great though, really appreciating the help and full of compliments on how good of a job I did. The reality is, is I didn't do half the work the ranchers did and this morning with how sore I am, I can't imagine how they must feel. (Of course, it's probably just another day for them so they probably aren't even feeling it.)

So yes, my P90-TREX regimen ends with a bang. I think I could have used the extra pounds yesterday as some of those calves definitely out-weighed me. I just weighed myself and I came up a little short of my goals. I wanted to get down to 190. I'm at 193 but a couple weeks ago I was down to 191. The past couple weeks have been a little bit of a challenge with Easter and taking a couple fishing trips. I've probably eaten a little too much fast food and drank too much beer. But I do think it was worth the effort and I'm going to continue to try eating healthier and keeping up the activities and the work-outs. I definitely feel much better. I lost about 15 pounds and at two sizes on the old belt.

This will be the last shirtless pic thankfully...until next year anyway.

Keep 'em where they live...

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