Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Damn Dam

We had a group of guys the past couple days where many had never fly-fished before. We went into the Canyon the first day and although some of us had good fishing, others didn't so yesterday we figured we would go up to the dam where the fish are stacked up and rope 'em...I'm pretty good but I'm not a god and that's all I'm going to say about how much control I have over getting someone to the point they can actually catch fish. The fishing was good--that catching was pretty tough...We did have fun though and by the end of the day both kids caught a fair number of good fish. Miles, the 13 year old, turned out to be kind of a rock star.

Yesterday also marked the 1st day of the season that I took a full trip above the Craig Bridge. I've been absolutely dredding the time of year that we all head up-stream because it's the only place to catch fish so I'm putting it off as long as I can. Yesterday just reinforced that sentiment. At one point down from the Wolf Creek Bridge I counted 14 boats and a few one-person pontoons in about 100 yards of river. Crazy! I hope the weather cools down a bit or it's going to be a long summer up there.

Keep 'em where they live...

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