Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Cutter and I spent a lot of time this fall right where this goose decided to make its was our duck blind. It's almost like she's rubbing it in our faces.

If you've spent any time on the water lately, you've heard the chatter from over-protective geese as boats float by their nests. The smart one's realize you aren't a threat and they just hunker down and watch the show as the boats drift by. Soon the goslings will be hatching and leaving the nests behind and things will quite down a little bit. I actually did see my first gaggle of goslings today.

I took a local buddy out today for a short trip--Paul Amos. We were talking last night at the Frenchman and he told me had yet to catch a trout on a fly-rod since he's been living in Wolf Creek. He also told me he was incredibly unlucky and that even if he went out with me, he probably wouldn't catch anything. I think he was doing a little self-handicapping to be honest. He did well.

The flavor of the day was these little guys. We started with a double dirt-snake rig with very little success. Once we switched to the red WD-40, we crushed them.

The hatches this year seem to be a couple weeks behind. We're usually seeing fish up on midges in early April, if not sooner and by now they should be eating BWO's. We got a couple to eat the midge dries a few days ago but nothing on BWO's yet although there are a lot of BWO's on the water.

This weekend should bring some favorable weather for the mayflies. Wet and cool with little to no wind and those bugs stay on the water longer and become real vulnerable. Fish are kind of like us; they don't like to work too hard for their food. The longer the bugs take to dry their wings and take off, the easier it is for fish to eat them. Look for risers on the flats starting Friday. It should be good.

Keep 'em where they live...

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