Monday, February 26, 2018

Time for a Change

Yeah, I know. Again...well, until there's change, I'm probably going to keep writing and keep talking about the problem we have in our country with these mass shootings. I'm a gun owner, outdoorsman, hunter, etc., but I also think we need more responsible gun laws. I can be both. And if we want to keep our rights and benefit from the freedoms and privileges we have in this country as sportsmen and women, we need to lead the charge to make our communities safe.

Last week, Scott and I decided not to sit down for the typical podcast because I want to use that platform to talk about what needs to happen to keep our communities safer. People ask why I'd put myself out there to be ridiculed and to potential hurt my business. I'd say it's because I feel for the innocent people that have lived through these shootings and I feel for the 100's now that didn't and I know that I can't sit back and watch these things happen, as a gun owner, and not participate in the discussion to do something about it.

So I've done quite a bit of reading and researching and just sitting back and taking it all in before jumping behind the mic to publish this last episode of The Montana Dream Cast. I talked about looking at the way we discuss these things as part of the problem with why we haven't seen any change. I also talked about defining the problems and the variables contributing to more and more of these mass shootings that goes beyond just the AR-15. It is mental health. It is enforcement. It's a problem with the laws we have in the books. It's a cultural problem.

In the end, I suggest things we could do to help prevent these shootings.

It's Time for Change

Here's a list of corporations that have severed their relationships with the NRA. I just want to say thank you for showing the balls to do something. And to the NRA, it just reminds me of that quote from Einstein when he talks about his definition of insanity? Something to the affect of, "Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results?" The lack of effort on your part to change the gun laws to make us safer is resulting in the same old same old where these mass shootings continue to happen and your control over OUR lawmakers is the problem. You can go away now.

·         First National Bank of Omaha
·         Avis Budget Group
·         Hertz
·         Alamo
·         Enterprise
·         National
·         Starkey Hearing Technologies
·         Met Life
·         Chub
·         TrueCar
·         SimpliSafe
·         Symantec
·         Allied
·         North America
·         True Car
·         Delta Airlines
·         United Airlines
         Paramount RX

Here are some links that I used to get information.

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